8. Provisioning REST API Interface

8.1. API Workflows for Customer and Subscriber Management

The sip:provider PRO provides the REST API interface for interconnection with 3rd party tools.

The sip:provider PRO provides a REST API to provision various functionality of the platform. The entry point - and at the same time the official documentation - is at https://<your-ip>:1443/api. It allows both administrators and resellers (in a limited scope) to manage the system.

You can either authenticate via username and password of your administrative account you’re using to access the admin panel, or via SSL client certificates. Find out more about client certificate authentication in the online API documentation.

8.1. API Workflows for Customer and Subscriber Management

The typical tasks done on the API involve managing customers and subscribers. The following chapter focuses on creating, changing and deleting these resources.

The standard life cycle of a customer and subscriber is:

  1. Create customer contact
  2. Create customer
  3. Create subscribers within customer
  4. Modify subscribers
  5. Modify subscriber preferences (features)
  6. Terminate subscriber
  7. Terminate customer

The boiler-plate to access the REST API is described in the online API documentation at /api/#auth. A simple example in Perl using password authentication looks as follows:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use v5.10;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON qw();

my $uri = 'https://ngcp.example.com:1443';
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $user = 'myusername';
my $pass = 'mypassword';
$ua->credentials('ngcp.example.com:1443', 'api_admin_http', $user, $pass);
my ($req, $res);

For each customer you create, you need to assign a billing profile id. You either have the ID stored somewhere else, or you need to fetch it by searching for the billing profile handle.

my $billing_profile_handle = 'my_test_profile';
$req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', "$uri/api/billingprofiles/?handle=$billing_profile_handle");
$res = $ua->request($req);
if($res->code != 200) {
    die "Failed to fetch billing profile: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";
my $billing_profile = JSON::from_json($res->decoded_content);
my $billing_profile_id = $billing_profile->{_embedded}->{'ngcp:billingprofiles'}->{id};
say "Fetched billing profile, id is $billing_profile_id";

A customer is mainly a billing container for subscribers without a real identification other than the external_id property you might have stored somewhere else (e.g. the ID of the customer in your CRM). To still easily identify a customer, a customer contact is required. It is created using the /api/customercontacts/ resource.

$req = HTTP::Request->new('POST', "$uri/api/customercontacts/");
$req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
    firstname => 'John',
    lastname => 'Doe',
    email => 'john.doe\@example.com'
$res = $ua->request($req);
if($res->code != 201) {
    die "Failed to create customer contact: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";
my $contact_id = $res->header('Location');
$contact_id =~ s/^.+\/(\d+)$/$1/; # extract the ID from the Location header
say "Created customer contact, id is $contact_id";

To get the ID of the recently created resource, you need to parse the Location header. In future, this approach will be changed for POST requests. The response will also optionally return the ID of the resource. It will be controlled via the Prefer: return=representation header as it is already the case for PUT and PATCH.


The example above implies the fact that you access the API via a reseller user. If you are accessing the API as the admin user, you also have to provide a reseller_id parameter defining the reseller this contact belongs to.

Once you have created the customer contact, you can create the actual customer.

$req = HTTP::Request->new('POST', "$uri/api/customers/");
$req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
    status => 'active',
    contact_id => $contact_id,
    billing_profile_id => $billing_profile_id,
    type => 'sipaccount',
    external_id => undef, # can be set to your crm's customer id
$res = $ua->request($req);
if($res->code != 201) {
    die "Failed to create customer: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";
my $customer_id = $res->header('Location');
$customer_id =~ s/^.+\/(\d+)$/$1/; # extract the ID from the Location header
say "Created customer, id is $customer_id";

Once you have created the customer, you can add subscribers to it. One customer can hold multiple subscribers, up to the max_subscribers property which can be set via /api/customers/. If this property is not defined, a virtually unlimited number of subscribers can be added.

$req = HTTP::Request->new('POST', "$uri/api/subscribers/");
$req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
    status => 'active',
    customer_id => $customer_id,
    primary_number => { cc => 43, ac => 9876, sn => 10001 }, # the main number
    alias_numbers => [ # as many alias numbers the subscriber can be reached at (or skip param if none)
        { cc => 43, ac => 9877, sn => 10001 },
        { cc => 43, ac => 9878, sn => 10001 }
    username => 'test_10001'
    domain => 'ngcp.example.com',
    password => 'secret subscriber pass',
    webusername => 'test_10001',
    webpassword => undef, # set undef if subscriber shouldn't be able to log into sipwise csc
    external_id => undef, # can be set to the operator crm's subscriber id
$res = $ua->request($req);
if($res->code != 201) {
    die "Failed to create subscriber: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";
my $subscriber_id = $res->header('Location');
$subscriber_id =~ s/^.+\/(\d+)$/$1/; # extract the ID from the Location header
say "Created subscriber, id is $subscriber_id";

A domain must exist before creating a subscriber. You can create the domain via /api/domains/.

At that stage, the subscriber can connect both via SIP and XMPP, and can be reached via the primary number, all alias numbers, as well as via the SIP URI.

If you want to set call forwards for the subscribers, then perform an API call as follows.

$req = HTTP::Request->new('PUT', "$uri/api/callforwards/$subscriber_id");
$req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
$req->header('Prefer' => "return=minimal"); # use return=representation to get full json response
    cfna => { # set a call-forward if subscriber is not registered
        destinations => [
            { destination => "4366610001", timeout => 10  }, # ring this for 10s
            { destination => "4366710001", timeout => 300 }, # if no answer, ring that for 300s
        times => undef # no time-based call-forward, trigger cfna always
$res = $ua->request($req);
if($res->code != 204) { # if return=representation, it's 200
    die "Failed to set cfna for subscriber: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";

You can set cfu, cfna, cft and cft via this API call, also all at once. Destinations can be hunting lists as described above or just a single number. Also, a time set can be provided to trigger call forwards only during specific time periods.

To provision certain features of a subscriber, you can manipulate the subscriber preferences. You can find a full list of preferences available for a subscriber at /api/subscriberpreferencedefs/.

$req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', "$uri/api/subscriberpreferences/$subscriber_id");
$res = $ua->request($req);
if($res->code != 200) {
    die "Failed to fetch subscriber preferences: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";
my $prefs = JSON::from_json($res->decoded_content);
delete $prefs->{_links}; # not needed in update

$prefs->{prepaid_library} = 'libinewrate'; # switch to inew billing
$prefs->{block_in_clir} = JSON::true; # reject incoming anonymous calls
$prefs->{block_in_list} = [ # reject calls from the following numbers:
    '4366412345', # this particular number
    '431*', # all vienna/austria numbers
$req = HTTP::Request->new('PUT', "$uri/api/subscriberpreferences/$subscriber_id");
$req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
$req->header('Prefer' => "return=minimal"); # use return=representation to get full json response
$res = $ua->request($req);
if($res->code != 204) {
    die "Failed to update subscriber preferences: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";
say "Updated subscriber preferences";

Modifying numbers assigned to a subscriber, changing the password, locking a subscriber, etc. can be done directly on the subscriber resource.

$req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', "$uri/api/subscribers/$subscriber_id");
$res = $ua->request($req);
if($res->code != 200) {
    die "Failed to fetch subscriber: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";
my $sub = JSON::from_json($res->decoded_content);
delete $sub->{_links}; # not needed in update
push @{ $sub->{alias_numbers} }, { cc => 1, ac => 5432, sn => $t }; # add this number
push @{ $sub->{alias_numbers} }, { cc => 1, ac => 5433, sn => $t }; # add another number

$req = HTTP::Request->new('PUT', "$uri/api/subscribers/$subscriber_id");
$req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
$req->header('Prefer' => "return=minimal"); # use return=representation to get full json response
$res = $ua->request($req);
if($res->code != 204) {
    die "Failed to update subscriber: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";
say "Updated subscriber";

At the end of a subscriber life cycle, it can be terminated. Once terminated, you can NOT recover the subscriber anymore.

$req = HTTP::Request->new('DELETE', "$uri/api/subscribers/$subscriber_id");
$res = $ua->request($req);
if($res->code != 204) {
    die "Failed to terminate subscriber: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";
say "Terminated subscriber";

Note that certain information is still available in the internal database to perform billing/rating of calls done by this subscriber. Nevertheless, the data is removed from the operational tables of the database, so the subscriber is not able to connect to the system, login or make calls/chats.

Resources modification can be done via the GET/PUT combination. Alternatively, you can add, modify or delete single properties of a resource without actually fetching the whole resource. See an example below where we terminate the status of a customer using the PATCH method.

$req = HTTP::Request->new('PATCH', "$uri/api/customers/$customer_id");
$req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json-patch+json');
$req->header('Prefer' => "return=minimal"); # use return=representation to get full json response
    { op => 'replace', path => '/status', value => 'terminated' }
$res = $ua->request($req); # this will also terminate all still active subscribers
if($res->code != 204) {
    die "Failed to terminate customer: ".$res->decoded_content."\n";
say "Terminated customer";