The list of current sip:carrier Redis DB IDs:
Service | Redis DB N: | central | local | Release | Ticket | Description |
sems | redis_db: | - | 0 | mr3.7.1+ | - | HA switchover |
rtpengine | redis_db: | - | 1 | mr3.7.1+ | - | HA switchover |
proxy | redis_db: | 2 | - | mr3.7.1+ | - | Counter of hunting groups |
proxy | redis_db: | 3 | - | mr3.7.1+ | - | Concurrent dialog counters |
proxy | redis_db: | - | 4 | mr3.7.1+ | - | List of keys of the central counters |
prosody | redis_db: | 5 | - | mr3.7.1+ | - | XMPP cluster |
sems PBX | redis_db: | - | 6 | mr3.7.1+ | - | HA switchover |
sems | redis_db: | 7 | - | mr4.1.1+ | MT#12707 | Sems malicious_call app |
captagent | redis_db: | - | 8 | mr4.1.1+ | MT#15427 | Captagent internal data |
monitoring | redis_db: | 9 | - | mr4.3+ | MT#31 | SNMP agent monitoring data |
proxy | redis_db: | 10 | - | mr4.3+ | MT#16079 | SIP Loop detection |
The redis monitoring database contains a cache of several current monitoring values. These values are stored in namespaced hashes:
node:<nodename> | Cluster node information. |
fsys:<nodename>:<fsysname> | Mounted filesystems information. |
proc:<nodename>:<procname> | Monitored processes information. |
mysql:<nodename> | MySQL database information. |
To access all fsys and proc hashes there are two sets that list them:
fsys-list:<nodename> | Set of mounted filesystems. |
proc-list:<nodenam> | Set of monitored processes. |
The node hashes contain the following keys:
hb_proc_state | Cluster node heartbeat process state (boolean: stopped/running). |
hb_host_state | Cluster node host state (boolean: up/down). |
hb_node_state | Cluster node HA state (ngcp-check_active -p). |
num_cpus | Total number of CPUs on cluster node. |
The fsys hashes contain the following keys:
name | The mounted filesystem name (such as /). |
size | The filesystem total size in bytes. |
used | The filesystem used size in bytes. |
The proc hashes contain the following keys:
name | The process name. |
proc_status | The process status. |
monit_status | The monit status. |
pid | The process ID. |
ppid | The process parent ID. |
children | The number of children. |
uptime | The process uptime. |
cpu_percent | The CPU usage in percent for this process. |
cpu_percent_total | The CPU usage in percent for the process group. |
memory | The memory in bytes for this process. |
memory_total | The memory in bytes for the process group. |
memory_percent | The memory in percent for this process. |
memory_percent_total | The memory in percent for the process group. |
data_collected | The timestamp when the data was collected. |
The mysql hashes contain the following keys:
last_io_errno | Last IO error number. |
last_io_error | Last IO error description. |
last_sql_errno | Last SQL error number. |
last_sql_error | Last SQL error description. |
seconds_behind_master | Delay in seconds since last db replication. |
slave_io_running | Status of slave IO thread. |
slave_sql_running | Status of slave SQL thread. |