Bridging distances has never been so ubiquitous in our daily and professional lives. The past year marked a turning point for human interaction. Events, work and school were no longer possible to the extent they were the year before. New solutions were needed. Without further ado, presentations, trade fairs and conferences or even school lessons were moved into the digital world. WebRTC boomed since then and reaches especially high peaks during strict covid-regulations from governments as home office and home schooling requires the communication by digital possibilities. What exactly the term WebRTC means, how secure it is and for whom it is suitable, we have summarised in this article.

What is WebRTC?

The abbreviation WebRTC stands for “Web Real Time Communication”. The name says it all: Two or more users can communicate in real time via their own web browser. Video conferences, calls, data sharing or online chats are possible – directly through a website. WebRTC is available for most of the common browser systems such as Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Opera and can be opened by users via a simple web link. The highlight of this standard: It requires no download, no plugins and no installation. This fact clearly sets the standard of WebRTC apart from communication tools that are currently available on the market and can only be used by downloading an app. If needed, WebRTC can also be accessed via standalone programs or apps. However, the trend is moving towards web-based applications, as they are independent of operating systems such as Apple or Microsoft.

Usage and Functionality

WebRTC is made available by the Sipwise provided API, in order to utilize the Sipwise developed RTC:engine. This enables features like video conferencing, calls, file sharing and many others. The standard can be used for a wide variety of purposes and is equally interesting for SMEs and corporations. For example, a local florist can install a pop-up for a chat bot on their website to interact directly with the customer and optionally even start a live video call to show the range of flower bouquets. For larger corporations video conferences with several hundred participants can be held to celebrate company anniversaries internationally or to give presentations. The Sipwise RTC:engine is based on a licence system but can be adjusted on customer demand.

Highest standard for data security

With WebRTC, data and information are transmitted via the so-called Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP). Through Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS), the connection is securely encrypted and is therefore suitable for private clients and business customers alike.

The Sipwise C5 is connecting the various webRTC endpoints together in order to optimize codecs and to ensure the best possible audio and video quality.

With regard to the GDPR, WebRTC offers another advantage: Users do not have to create user accounts to access the system. This means that no personal data such as names or email addresses are being passed on. Users can start a chat, video call or data transfer directly in their web browser – without any further actions needed.

The advantages of RTC:engine from Sipwise

With the product RTC:engine, Sipwise offers a particularly simple access to cloud communication (video, chat, telephony etc.) for real-time communication. RTC:engine is a WebRTC-based communication API that is easy to implement. In addition, the standard offers further advantages in use.

The advantages of RTC:engine from Sipwise:
  • No download required: WebRTC can be used via web browser without the requirement of a standalone application
  • Easy implementation: The RTC:engine framework is integrated via an API.
  • High data security: No user accounts required as with many tools and applications. Full end-to-end data encryption between the clients is guaranteed
  • Voice and video: Individual or group chats (with video) and calls (without picture) are possible via the web browser.
  • Presence: Availability status is displayed for participants for easier communication.
  • Messaging: Written communication is possible via individual chats and chat rooms.
  • Transcoding: due to the powerful transcoding capabilities of the C5 all kind of audio and video clients respective codecs are supported.


About Sipwise

Sipwise’s unified communication platforms are targeted at fixed, converged and wireless service providers supporting a variety of access technologies like mobile radio, Cable, xDSL, FTTx, WiFi and WiMAX. With years of expertise in VoIP and UC solutions, Sipwise works with clients all over the world and is supporting over 100 commercial deployments by MNOs, MVNOs, Telcos, cable network providers, utilities and “Over-the-Top”- operators.

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