In the past, telephone lines had to be reconnected by hand. In order to do this, people had to sit in front of bulky control cabinets. Later on, the ISDN telephony came along. Today we utilize the innovative VoIP standard as a forward-looking system.

In 1995, the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) disrupted the telecommunications industry and has simultaneously taken it to a completely new level.  The heart of Sipwise – Class 5 Softswitch – is a ready-to-use VoIP softswitch and can, among other things, optimally fulfill the demand for softswitches.

The evolution to VoIP

VoIP, the modern standard of telephony, is a technological system that uses IP connections instead of ISDN architecture, as in analog telephony. It transmits calls over computer networks, either through the Internet or through local corporate infrastructure. Conversations over call and audio data are digitized before transmission and thus automatically compressed as well. The transport takes place via the Internet protocol. Upon reception, the data packets are decompressed again and converted into sound waves.

Why not stay with the tried and tested analog telephony?

It’s only through innovations like these that we’re able to communicate in completely new ways. The biggest advantage is obvious: Simple and fast communication. Other benefits of VoIP include:

1. Cost reduction

Any company that has switched to VoIP can reduce its costs tremendously, since the communication is free for all users of the company.  The rates for external phone calls are extremely low. This is due to the fact that cloud telephony is able to provide a unified network. VoIP enables a simpler IT infrastructure within enterprises.

2. Centralized administration

Companies can manage administration centrally via a web interface, which saves a lot of time and thus resources.

3. Complete location independence

With VoIP, nothing stands in the way of cross-location communication. Different devices can be registered with the central IP system and thus be used from anywhere in the world.

4. Better voice quality

The compression as well as the decompression of the call and audio data are responsible for a significantly lower bandwidth during transmission. This results in a better sound quality compared to analog communications.

All-inclusive offer

Due to the modularity of Sipwise Class 5, it can also be expanded very easily by activating additional software modules that are already included in the initial installation. In this way, the Sipwise C5 can easily be transformed into a powerful CPBX platform or even used as a termination platform for mobile SIP clients.

In summary, without the innovation of VoIP, constant and smooth communication would not be available. Sipwise’s solutions and advancements allow any company to use VoIP in an optimized way.



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