As described before in the upgrade procedures, the module is enabled by
default in kamailio proxy and all the templates have been already updated
to use this new logic. Before proceeding with the upgrade, it is essential
that the customtt/patchtt files you have in place are updated to this new format.
Here just some few examples of what has been changed in the proxy templates:
variables $fu, $fU, $fd, $fn, $ft have been substituted by $x_fu, $x_fU, $x_fd, $x_fn, $x_ft
variables $tu, $tU, $td, $tn, $tt have been substituted by $x_tu, $x_tU, $x_td, $x_tn, $x_tt
variables $ua have been substituted by $x_hdr(User-Agent)
variables $ai have been substituted by $x_hdr(P-Asserted-Identity)
variables $pU, $pd have been substituted by $x_hdr(P-Preferred-Identity)
variables $re have been substituted by $x_hdr(Remote-Party-ID)
variables $di have been substituted by $x_hdr(Diversion)
variables $ct have been substituted by $x_hdr(Contact)
$hdr("name") has been substituted by $x_hdr("name")
is_present_hf("name") has been sustituted by $x_hdr(name)!= $null
remove_hf("name") has been substituted by pv_remove_header("name") function or $(x_hdr(name)[*]) = $null
append_hf("name: value\r\n") has been substituted by pv_append_header("name", "value") / pv_modify_header("name", "value") functions or $(x_hdr(name)[*]) = value
t_check_status(code) has been substituted by $T_reply_code == code
save("location") has been updated in save("location", "0x00", "$x_tu")
sd_lookup("speed_dial") has been updated in sd_lookup("speed_dial", $x_fu)
added pv_collect_headers() function in the following routing sections:
proxy/kamailio.cfg.tt2 → request_route
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → onreply_route[REPLY_ROUTE_STD]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → onreply_route[REPLY_ROUTE_NAT]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_EARLY_REJECT]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_PSTN]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_APPSRV]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_PBXSRV]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_LOCAL]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → event_route[tm:branch-failure:redirect]
added pv_apply_headers() function in the following routing sections:
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → route[ROUTE_OUTBOUND]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → onreply_route[REPLY_ROUTE_STD]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → onreply_route[REPLY_ROUTE_NAT]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_EARLY_REJECT]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → branch_route[BRANCH_ROUTE_NO_SBC]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → branch_route[BRANCH_ROUTE_SBC]
proxy/callforward.cfg.tt2 → branch_route[BRANCH_ROUTE_FWD_LOOP]
proxy/push.cfg.tt2 → branch_route[BRANCH_ROUTE_PUSH_LOOP]
added pv_reset_headers() function in the following routing sections:
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → onreply_route[REPLY_ROUTE_STD]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → onreply_route[REPLY_ROUTE_NAT]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_EARLY_REJECT]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_PSTN]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_APPSRV]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_PBXSRV]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_LOCAL]
proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2 → event_route[tm:branch-failure:redirect]