4. Initial System Configuration

After the installation has finished successfully and the server gets rebooted it is necessary to perform the initial configuration:


The tool will ask you to confirm the network configuration which is based on the current one. Read carefully the information printed on screen, and if you agree, proceed by typing y. If you want to change these parameters, you can edit the file /etc/ngcp-installer/config_deploy.inc and adjust the variables with the desired values.

If everything goes well, you should see the message:

System was successfully configured, now you have the best VoIP software.

After the configuration you are ready to adjust the system parameters to your needs to make the system work properly.

4.1. Network Configuration

If you have only one network card inside your system, its device name is eth0, it’s configured and only IPV4 is important to you then there should be nothing to do for you at this stage. If multiple network cards are present, your network card does not use eth0 for its device name or you need IPv6 then the only parameter you need to change at this moment is the listening address for your SIP services.

To do this, you have to specify the interface where your listening address is configured, which you can do with the following command (assuming your public interface is eth0):

ngcp-network --set-interface=eth0 --ip=auto --netmask=auto --hwaddr=auto
ngcp-network --move-from=lo --move-to=eth0 --type=web_ext --type=sip_ext --type=rtp_ext --type=ssh_ext --type=web_int

If you want to enable IPv6 as well, you have to set the address on the proper interface as well, like this (assuming you have an IPv6 address fdda:5cc1:23:4:0:0:0:1f on interface eth0):

ngcp-network --set-interface=eth0 --ipv6='FDDA:5CC1:23:4:0:0:0:1F'

Always use a full IPv6 address with 8 octets. Leaving out zero octets (e.g. FDDA:5CC1:23:4::1F) is not allowed.


You should use the IPv6 address in upper-case because LB (kamailio) handles the IPv6 addresses internally in upper-case format.

Check or adjust the network configuration in the /etc/ngcp-config/network.yml file.

editor /etc/ngcp-config/network.yml

The following configuration shows C5 running in the internal network behind the NAT:

      hwaddr: 11:22:33:44:55:66
      - ssh_ext
      - web_ext
      - web_int
      - sip_ext
      - rtp_ext
      - mon_ext
    - lo
    - eth0

Apply the adjusted network configuration, and /etc/network/interfaces will be regenerated from the new configuration.

ngcpcfg apply 'change network configuration'

The resulting /etc/network/interfaces file will look like this:

# File autogenerated by ngcpcfg

# lo ----------------------
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# --------------------------------------------

# eth0 ----------------------
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
# --------------------------------------------

Reboot the server to apply the new network configuration:


4.2. Apply Configuration Changes

In order to apply the changes you made to /etc/ngcp-config/config.yml, you need to execute the following command to re-generate your configuration files and to automatically restart the services:

ngcpcfg apply 'added network interface'

At this point, your system is ready to serve.

4.3. Start Securing Your Server

During installation, the system user cdrexport is created. This jailed system account is supposed to be used to export CDR files via sftp/scp. Set a password for this user by executing the following command:

passwd cdrexport

The installer has set up a MySQL database on your server. You need to set a password for the MySQL root user to protect it from unauthorized access by executing this command:

mysqladmin password <your mysql root password>

For the Administrative Web Panel located at https://<your-server-ip>:1443/login/admin, a default user administrator with password administrator has been created. Connect to the panel (accept the SSL certificate for now) using those credentials and change the password of this user by going to SettingsAdministrators and click the Edit when hovering over the row.

4.4. Configuring the system-wide editor

The default editor is set to nano on the system. If you prefer a different editor, make sure it’s installed and set the default editor via:

sudo update-alternatives --config editor

if you want to use a specific editor only temporarily, set the EDITOR environment variable instead. For example to run command with the editor set to vim, invoke "EDITOR=vim command".

4.5. Configuring the Email Server

The Sipwise C5 installer will install mailx (which has Exim4 as MTA as a default dependency) on the system, however the MTA is not configured by the installer. If you want to use the Voicemail-to-Email feature of the Voicebox, you need to configure your MTA properly. If you are fine to use the default MTA Exim4, execute the following command:

sudoedit /etc/ngcp-config/config.yml  # edit section 'email:' according to your needs
sudo ngcpcfg apply 'adjust exim4 / MTA configuration'

You are free to install and configure any other MTA (e.g. postfix) on the system, if you are more comfortable with that.

4.6. Advanced Network Configuration

You have a typical test deployment now and you are good to go, however you may need to do extra configuration depending on the devices you are using and functionality you want to achieve.

4.6.1. Audiocodes devices workaround

As reported by many users, Audiocodes devices suffer from a problem where they replace address in Record-Route headers (added by Sipwise C5 's internal components) with its own IP address. The problem has been reported to Audiocodes but as of end 2012 the fixed firmware is not available yet so supposedly the whole range of Audiocodes devices, including but not limited to the MP202, MP252 CPEs as well as Audiocodes media gateways, is malfunctioning. As a workaround, you may change the internal IP address from to some dummy network interface. Please execute the following command (in this example is a new internal IP address):

Enable module dummy at /etc/ngcp-config/config.yml:

  - enable: yes
    name: dummy
    options: numdummies=2

Add the network interface config to /etc/ngcp-config/network.yml:

    - lo
    - dummy0
    - eth0

After that, /etc/network/interfaces should be generated:

ngcpcfg build /etc/network/interfaces

The resulting file /etc/network/interfaces will look like this:

# File autogenerated by ngcpcfg

# dummy0 ----------------------
auto dummy0
iface dummy0 inet static
# --------------------------------------------

# lo ----------------------
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# --------------------------------------------


Update the network configuration in Sipwise C5 :

ngcp-network --set-interface=dummy0 --ip=auto --netmask=auto
ngcp-network --move-from=lo --move-to=dummy0 --type=sip_int --type=web_int

Refer to the Network Configuration chapter for more details about the ngcp-network tool.

Apply configuration:

ngcpcfg apply 'audiocodes devs workaround'

4.7. What’s next?

To test and use your installation, you need to follow these steps now:

  1. Create a SIP domain
  2. Create some SIP subscribers
  3. Register SIP endpoints to the system
  4. Make local calls and test subscriber features
  5. Establish a SIP peering to make PSTN calls

Please read the next chapter for instructions on how to do this.