What is a Virtual PBX & how does it work?

A virtual PBX (Private Branch Exchange) is a cloud-based business phone system. It is designed to replace traditional PBXs that require local hardware and landline connectivity.

A traditional PBX relies on classic landlines and local hardware to connect to a dedicated phone network. In order to perform the same functions, a virtual PBX uses cloud-based software as well as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol).

VoIP uses IP addresses to identify extensions, replacing physical phone lines and extension numbers. In this way, a local business network, which is connected to the Internet, also functions as your phone network.

How does a Virtual PBX set itself apart?

Both traditional and virtual PBXs provide forwarding, conferencing, customer greetings, voicemail, and other features that have become standard practice for business phone systems. However, virtual PBXs have some additional features and benefits. Learn more about our specific virtual PBX features that we offer at Sipwise.


  1. Seamless setup – Since it’s cloud-based, a virtual PBX can be set up quicker than a system requiring hardware installation.
  2. Less hardware – As virtual PBX runs on the same network with Internet access and data, there is no need for dedicated hardware or infrastructure.
  3. Scalability – It is especially well-suited for businesses anticipating growth or needing connectivity in a variety of locations, due to the fast and hardware-free setup.
  4. Lower costs – In the long run, a virtual PBX costs significantly less than a traditional, local PBX.
  5. Less IT management – Your virtual PBX provider usually takes care of all the needed management tasks, such as troubleshooting, performance monitoring, and software updates.
  6. Call Forwarding flexibility – Forwarding can be easily managed, as it offers self-explanatory selfcare options for end users.
  7. Web-based management interface – Service providers typically include a web-based interface that can be used for account and network management. The interface offers analytics tools and generates reports.
  8. Seamless system updates – Traditional hardware systems need regular upgrades. An excellent virtual PBX provider will always be working to incorporate the latest set of features.
  9. Easy integration – Because it’s based on Software, a virtual PBX is ready by design to connect with 3rd party applications such as a customer relationship tool.
  10. Device flexibility – With an IP-based system, end users can use an IP phone, landline phone, or soft phone with or without a headset attached to a computer.

Why do Telcos, Carriers & OTTs need to offer Virtual PBX solutions to their B2B clients?

Office equipment such as business phone systems are a necessity in every workplace and are therefore rarely switched. Companies tend to think about alternatives when their maintenance contracts are about to expire: What other options are out there? What are the pros and cons of sticking with the current telephony service provider?

As a telecommunication company, carrier, or over-the-top-provider, it is crucial to offer your business clients top-of-the-line telephony services to stay relevant. Since more and more businesses are choosing virtual PBX services and traditional PBX is slowly falling behind, it is essential to offer All-IP solutions to ensure competitiveness. We at Sipwise provide communication solutions, which can help you to enhance the overall customer loyalty and significantly reduce the churn rate. Your company can benefit from various advantages of technology and eventually become leader in your segment.

Want to know more about Sipwise CPBX? – Read more here or contact us.

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About Sipwise

Sipwise’s unified communication platforms are targeted at fixed, converged, and wireless service providers supporting a variety of access technologies like mobile radio, Cable, xDSL, FTTx, WiFi and WiMAX. With years of expertise in VoIP and UC solutions, Sipwise works with clients all over the world and is supporting over 100 commercial deployments by MNOs, MVNOs, Telcos, cable network providers, utilities “Over-the-Top”- operators and enterprises.

For more information, please visit https://www.sipwise.com.